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Not really, 10² = 100

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Q: Is the square root of 100 a repeating decimal?
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Is the square root of 100 rational repeating?

The square root of 100 is 10, which is rational. If you must have it in the form of a repeating decimal, you can try either 10.0... or 9.99... which, mathematically, is the same.

How do you get a fraction into a square root to the nearest hundredths?

Find the square root to the thousandth place (3rd decimal digit) and round it to 2 decimal places to give the square root in hundredths. If you want a fraction, convert the decimal hundredths to a fraction by putting them over 100 and simplifying.

Between which two consecutive whole numbers is the root of 89?

The square root of 89 is halfway between the square root of 81 = 9 and the square root of 100 = 10. Rounded to two decimal places, the square root of 89 is equal to 9.43.

What is the square root of 4800?

The decimal form of the square root of 4800 is equal to 69.28203230. However, if you are looking for the answer in non-decimal form: √4800 = √100*16*3 = 10*4*√3 = 40√3.

What and root the square root of 100?

The square root of 100 is 10

How can you get a repeating decimal?

Divide 100 by 3

What is the square root of 10000?

The square root of 10,000 is 100.

Is the square root of a decimal always an irrational number?

Not necessarily. The square root of 2.56 equals 1.6, and the square root of 0.25 equals 0.5, for two examples. If the decimal represents a rational number that is a fraction of two perfect squares, then the square root will be a rational number. The two examples I gave were 2.56 = 256/100, and 0.25 = 1/4.

How do you make 1.63 repeating decimal a fraction?

You would have to round the repeating decimal to the nearest fraction, which is 63/100. It would be 1 63/100. It is in simplest form.

Is the square root of 100 50?

No, the square root of 100 is not 50.

Is square root of a 100 is a integer?

Is the square root of a 100 is a integer

What id the square root of 100?

The square root of 100 is 10.