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Answer: The square root of 6 is irrational. Reason: Just try to convince it otherwise, you will see their is no way to deal with it since it becomes angry and irrational! But seriously, you can't write it as a fraction of the from p/q with p and q being integers so yes it is irrational. The proof would be easy by contradiction.

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Q: Is the square root of 6 irrational?
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No. The square root of 6 is irrational.

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Yes. For example, the square root of 3 (an irrational number) times the square root of 2(an irrational number) gets you the square root of 6(an irrational number)

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Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. The square root of 2 and the square root of 3 are both irrational, as is their product, the square root of 6. The square root of 2 and the square root of 8 are both irrational, but their product, the square root of 16, is rational (in fact, it equals 4).

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The square root of 6 is an irrational number; it can only be approximated as a decimal. √6 ≈ 2.449

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It is irrational. * The square root of any positive integer, except of a perfect square, is irrational. * The product of an irrational number and a rational number (except zero) is irrational.

Is the square root of 6 rational?

No; you can prove the square root of any positive number that's not a perfect square is irrational, using a similar method to showing the square root of 2 is irrational.