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No it is an Imaginary Number

√-16 = 4i

i is the square root of negative one

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Q: Is the square root of negative 16 a transcendental number?
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Is the pi root of any number transcendental?

Since pi is transcendental, pi2 is also transcendental. So pi is the square root of the transcendental number pi2.

If pi is 3.141592653589793238462643383279 etc can you find the square root of pi and get a single without a decimal?

π is a transcendental number, and any square root of a a transcendental is immediately transcendental.

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The square root of a negative number is not real.

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The square root of Pi is a transcendental number whose decimal expansion begins 1.77245385090552....(and on and on) The answer is 772004514666935

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You can't, because it isn't. The square root of 2 is irrational, but that doesn't make it transcendental. The square root of any positive integer is ALGEBRAIC - and transcendental means "not algebraic".In this case, the square root of 2 is a root of the polynomial equation x squared - 2 = 0; therefore it is algebraic.

Why is it impossible to square a negative number?

you can square a negative number but you can not square root a negative number

What is the square root of a negative number plus the square root of a negative number?

Nothing. You cannot have a square root of a negative number. The square root of negative one is called i, but i is an imaginary number. It does not exist and does not follow the properties of real numbers. (For example, if a and b are positive, then the square root of a times the square root of b is the square root of ab. But the square root of -7 is not the square root of 7 times i.)

Is square root of pi a surd?

Yes. A surd is any irrational number that can be expressed as the root of another number. As pi is a number, although it is a transcendental and hence irrational, the square root of pi is still an irrational number that can be expressed as the square root of another number.

How do you find the negative square root of 5?

A negative square root is an imaginary number.

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square root of a negative number is imaginary square root of negative 1 is defined as i square root of negative 144 is sqrt ((144)(-1)) = 12i

Is the square root of negative 11 a real number?

No. In general, the square root of a negative number is an imaginary number, which is not a real number.

What is a negative square root defined as?

If you're referring to the square root of a negative number, it's an imaginary number.