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There can be. Commas are used to break up long strings of numbers and a comma or space can be used for this purpose in any base.

A word of warning, though. In some European countries, the decimal "point" is a comma and the thousand separator is a point. The role of the comma and the point are swapped around.

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Q: Is there a comma in the base five number system?
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Do you really need to put comma after thousand in number words?

five thousand thirty -five

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$555,222. A tip is that the comma in your number is going to go where the "thousand" is in the sentence. So you know that the five hundred fifty five is going to go before the comma, and two hundred twenty two will go after the comma. That's an easier way to divide it up so it's simpler to write in number form.

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45,000- the forty five part is the numbers before the comma. This is a comma , the thousand part means three zeros after the comma.

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Five thousand and thirty in numbers is 5,030. The comma is optional.

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The symbols used are the numbers 0 to 4. Five is represented by 10, Twenty-five is represented by 100 and Sixty is represented by 220. For more info on the Quinary system (base 5) check the wiki reference below.

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How do you say 9.25 in french?

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