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Q: Is there a relationship between the number of vertices and the number of edges of a prism?
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What is the relationship between faces vertices and edges on a 3D shape?

Their relationship is modelled by the equation F + V = E + 2, where F is the number of faces, V is the number of vertices, and E is the number of edges.

What is the relationship among the vertices's faces and edges of polyhedrons?

If you add the vertices and Faces and subtract 2 from that number you get the number of edges. Vertices+Faces=Edges+2

What relationship do you see between the combined number of faces and vertices and the number of edges?

some numbers are the same

Is there a relationship between the number of faces edges and vertices of polyhedra?

For convex polyhedra it is called the Euler characteristic.This requires that V - E + F = 2where V = number of vertices,E = number of edges andF = number of faces.

What is the theory called of the relationship between vertices faces and edges?


A cube has 6faces 12edges and 8vertices what is the relationship between the number of faces vertices and edges?

F + V = E + 2

What is the relationship between faces vertices and edges in prisms?

A prism with an n-sided base will have 2n vertices, n + 2 faces, and 3n edges.

Is there any relationship between a solid and a prism?

there is a relationship between a solid and a prism because it has the same number of vertices and edges so jus listen 2 meh and put yes

How does the relationship compare among the number of vertices faces and edges for a pyramid?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges.

Which 2 shapes have the same number of edges and vertices?

no numbers have the same number of edges and vertices

Difference between vertices and edges?

Vertices are points (corners) and edges are lines that connect vertices

What is the difference between edges and vertices in Math?

Edges are the lines that connect the vertices. The vertices are the actual points where the edges meet.