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Yes, there is.

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Q: Is there a saying that one is not to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear?
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What is best tips to clean your ear?

Never use anything smaller than your elbow.

How do you look after the human ear?

You do nothing but you could use a cotton bud but medical proffesionals say that you should NOT put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear

What are examples of things you can measure in feet?

A foot is a unit of distance about the length from your wrist to your elbow. Anything you can measure can be expressed in feet. If it is smaller than your arm or longer than a portion of a mile then I would probably choose a different measurement.

Is .125mg smaller than .05mg?

The answer is no .05mg is the same as saying .050mg, .125mg is not smaller than .05mg.

What is the addage about your ear and elbow?

Any thing smaller than your elbow needs to be kept out of your ear. That is the old adage and a very smart one. Try telling that to a toddler!

Never stick anything smaller than elbow in ear?

"Never stick anything smaller than elbow in ear" is meant as a humorous / funny reminder that nothing small should ever be put into the ear canal, not even Q-tips. Yes, most people grow up with a parent using a Q-tip to clean the ear canals, butit is an unsafe method. Other children see a mom or aunt using a bobby-pin, or a dad or uncle using a toothpick to "dig" out ear wax. But NONE of these are safe. The danger is that the item (even a soft Q-tip end) can damage or puncture the tympanic membrane - or ear drum. Therefore, "nothing smaller than an elbow" should be put in the ear. Since the elbow bone is fairly large, there is absolutely nothing that should be stuck into the inner ear canal.

Is 2.5cm smaller than 50cm?

2.5 of anything is generally smaller than 50 of the same thing.

An angle bigger than 180 and smaller than 360?

Well, Anything bigger than 180 but smaller than 360 .

What animals get eaten by sharks?

Anything smaller than it.

What does a turantula eat as food?

Anything smaller than it.

Is anything smaller than a planck length?

Currently, the Planck length is believed to be the smallest meaningful unit of length in physics. It is thought to represent the scale at which classical notions of spacetime cease to be valid, and quantum effects dominate. However, due to the limitations of our current understanding of physics at such small scales, it is uncertain if anything smaller than the Planck length exists.

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anything smaller than the triangle