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Q: Is there another way to have the same numbers in a multiplication combination that has 5 numbers?
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What do you mean by product?

The product of numbers is the same as the multiplication of numbers

What is the similarities between multiplication and division?

You are working with numbers. One is a whole number and the other is a fraction of a whole number (with a decimal point, etc). You apply the same principles of subtracting one number from another or a fraction of one number from a fraction of another. Numbers is numbers!

What is the same thing as multiplication?

The product of two numbers is the proceeding result when two numbers are added together.

How are the reciprocal of nonzero number and the multiplicative inverse of the numbers related?

For numbers with ordinary multiplication defined on them, they are the same.

What is a group of related multiplication and division facts that use the same numbers?


What is the associative property for multiplication?

An observation that grouping or associating numbers in differing orders results in the same product during a multiplication operation....

What is the same between whole numbers and decimals?

They are all numbers and obey the same rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation etc.

Does product and sum mean the same?

No - the product of numbers is the answer to a multiplication sum, while the sum of numbers is the answer to an addition sum.

When multiplying two integer what are the four possible combination of sign how can they be grouped into two integers?

The four possible combinations are:A = (+, +)B = (+, -)C = (-, +) andD = (-, -)In A and D, the two numbers have the same signs and the multiplication gives a positive answer.In B and C, the two numbers have different signs and the multiplication gives a negative answer.

What is a set of related multiplication and division sentences that use the same numbers called?

Fact family

In the multiplication signed numbers if the signs are the same the answer is positive?

you must take the sign of the bigger number

What is assiociative property of multiplication?

Associative property of multiplication states that: (ab)c = a(bc) In words, no matter which order you multiply the numbers by, you obtain the same results.