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Q: Is there math involved in banker?
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How does math relate to a banker?


What should be the Strength and weakness of a banker?

A banker should not have many weaknesses since they are dealing with customers and money. They should be friendly and have a background in math in order to be successful as a banker.

How is math used in career of banker?

well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.

What are some jobs involved with money?

a banker a treasurer

Is math involved in flying?

math is involved in everything

Math behind cheerleading is?

no math involved

What type of math do you need to know to be a banker?

You need 2 know hands on math loan math deposit and many many more so study very hard and watch out 4 robbers.

Is math involved in barrel racing?

The only way math could be involved in barrel racing is if you look at it using physics.

Why is it that when you do the Mormon math it does not add up?

There is no such thing as 'Mormon math'. Mormonism is a religion, and there is no math involved.

Who are the person involved in math?


How does soccer involve math?

Soccer is involved in math because to keep score

Which subjects makes you to become a banker?

Some of the subjects that you might choose to take to become a banker would include basic math, accounting, advanced math, business, and customer service. You might also take courses in banking and finance, business management, and specific courses regarding loans and interest rates.