No.371/3 = 123 2/3 (one hundred and twenty three and two thirds).
It is divisible by three which gives you 247
Five hundred twenty-three
Sixty is 300% of twenty. If twenty is 100% of twenty and 60 is three times twenty, then three times one hundred is three hundred.
None. Twenty-five is not divisible by three.
No.371/3 = 123 2/3 (one hundred and twenty three and two thirds).
If the digit in the tens place is divisible by 2 and the digit in the units place is a 0, then the number is divisible by twenty.
this is a very sad question.
Twenty of them.
Hence the last digits of both 23 and twenty 29 are divisible by three, the whole number is divisible by three, so the highest common factor of both 23 an 29 the answer is 3.
No. If a number is divisible by three, the sum of its digits will be divisible by three. Obviously, the sum of the digits of 10000 is 1, and 1 is not divisible by 3, so 10000 is not divisible by 3.
No. 3,364 is not divisible by three.
Not evenly.