

Is vertical up or across

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is vertical up or across
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What is vertical and what is horizontal?

Vertical is up and horizontal is across

Is vertical and diagonal the same?

No. Vertical is straight up and down, while diagonal is down and across or up and across.

Is vertical across?

No, vertical is up and down and horizontal is across. Think about how a HORIZON goes ACROSS the HORIZONtal is across.

What is the difference between horizontal forms and vertical forms of balance sheet?

vertical is strait up and down and horizontal is across (strait across)

Do horizontal lines go up and down?

Horizontal is across. Vertical is up and down.

What is the meaning of vertical and horizontal?

Vertical refers to the up and down directions while horizontal refers to the left or right (across) directions.

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i think the horizontal is the line go up and vertical is the line go straight across

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They are what they say. A row is a line of cells horizontally and a column is a vertical row of cells.

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What is the opposite of horizontal?

The opposite (perpendicular direction) of horizontal is vertical, (horizontal going across and vertical going from up to down.

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yes because horizontal lines are across and vertical lines is up n down

What is it when the printout is across the width of the page?

Across (horizontal)=Landscape. Vertical=Portrait