

Is y 1 a polynomial

Updated: 12/10/2022
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11y ago

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You could argue that if you meant to write y-1 or y+1 . But it would be rather pedantic. Literally, " y 1 " is meaningless.

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Q: Is y 1 a polynomial
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Is y plus 2y plus y a polynomial?

YES! A polynomial is made up of terms that are only added, subtracted or multiplied. Division is not allowed. It may have constants, exponents or variables. A monomial is one type of polynomial. y+2y is the same as 4y which is a monomial. It has degree 1 since the exponent on y is 1.

Why the graph of a polynomial function with real coefficients must have a y-intercept but may have no x-intercept?

For a polynomial of the form y = p(x) (i.e., some polynomial function of x), having a y-intercept simply means that the polynomial is defined for x = 0 - and a polynomial is defined for any value of "x". As for the x-intercept: from left to right, a polynomial of even degree may come down, not quite reach zero, and then go back up again. A simple example is y = x2 + 1. Why is the situation for "x" and for "y" different? Well, the original equation is a polynomial in "x"; but if you solve for "x", you don't get a polynomial in "y".

How do you graph a polynomial in order to solve for the Zeros?

Either graph the polynomial on graph paper manually or on a graphing calculator. If it is a "y=" polynomial, then the zeroes are the points or point where the polynomial touches the x-axis. If it is an "x=" polynomial, then the zeroes are the points or point where the polynomial touches the y-axis. If it touches neither, then it has no zeroes.

What is y squared minus thirteen y add twelve?

It is: y^2 -13y +12 = (y-1)(y-12) when factored

What is linear polynomial?

A polynomial with a degree of one, of the form y = ax + b, where a and b are constants.

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Is the number of y-intercepts for a polynomial determined by the degree of the polynomial?


Is 18 times y to the cube plus 2 times y to the square plus 1 a polynomial if so what kind?

Yes, 18y3 + 2y2 + 1 is a polynomial; it is a cubic expression. If it were expanded to form an equation, then it would be a cubic equation (or higher), capable of solution.

What is the degree for 6xy to the third power?

The degree for 6xy to the 3rd power is equal to the addition of the exponents of equal polynomial that means 1+3 (1 for the x and 3 for the y) and you get an answer of a 4th degree polynomial

How do you find the y interecepts for polynomial functions?

You set x = 0 and evaluate the polynomial. Note that this should be "y-intercept" in the singular, not in the plural.

What is the difference between the polynomial and multinomial?

Any sum of one or more terms is called a Polynomial. Polynomials have different names. for example x is a monomial* x+1 is a binomial x-1+y is a trinomial x-1+y+2x is a multinomial (could have been called quadnomial but ... lol nah) So what is a Quadratic? It is just a polynomial where the highest exponent (power) is 2. Basically, a polynomial of the 2nd degree algebraically. For example, x²+y-3 is a quadratic trinomial x² is a quadratic monomial *by the way if you are wondering what makes a term like x or x² a sum or a polynomial when there is nothing else you see that is being added or taken away then see this ... x = x + 1 - 1 x² = x² + 1 - 1

What is the degree of this term 4xy?

It is a polynomial of degree one in x, and also a polynomial of degree one in y.

Can a polynomial with an intercept of zero have a nonzero y intercept?

No, it cannot.

What is the point at which a graph crosses the x-axis?

For a line, this is the x-intercept. For a polynomial, these points are the roots or solutions of the polynomial at which y=0.

Can a polynomial have a variable exponent?

No. An expression can have a variable exponent (for instance, 2 to the power x, or x to the power y), but that is no longer a polynomial.

Can a graph of a polynomial function have no y-intercept?

Yes. A lot of hyperbolic functions have no y- intercept. Also functions of the form Y=1/x^n Will only go to positive infinity as it approaches zero from the positive x direction and go to negative infinity as it approaches zero from the negative x direction. * * * * * While all that is true, the functions mentioned in the above answer are not polynomial functions! All polynomial functions will have a y-intercept provided there is no additional restriction on the domain so as to exclude x = 0.

What does factor mean in algebra?

When you factor, you take a common polynomial and multiply it by another polynomial (both with the same variable [i.e. both having "y"]) which when solved would create the polynomial in the problem.1) -p2+8p-12-(p-6)(p-2)2) 2y2+15y+7(y+7)(2y+1)3) 6c2+7c+2(2c+1)(3c+2)4) -2b2-5b+12-(b+4)(2b-3)

What are the values at which the graph of a polynomial crosses the x-axis?

The graph of a polynomial in X crosses the X-axis at x-intercepts known as the roots of the polynomial, the values of x that solve the equation.(polynomial in X) = 0 or otherwise y=0