

Is y a variable

Updated: 12/1/2022
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Q: Is y a variable
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Does y plus 15 equal a variable or variables?

'y' is a variable. '15' is not. [ y+15 ] is an expression in one variable.

What is relationship between x and y variable?

Often the x variable is the independent variable and the y variable depends on x.

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the name for x variable is indepent name for y variable is depent

Identify the variable y plus 15?

the variable is Y

A sentence with the word dependent variable?

"If y=2x, then x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable." Also, " If x=y/2 then y is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable". Also, "The dependent variable is the one variable which is found by giving values to all the independent variables"

What is the variable used to predict another variable called?

It is called the independent variable. For example if you are trying to find y: y = x+1 X is the independent variable, and Y is the dependent variable. The value of Y, depends on the value of X.

Does Y plus 15 variable or variables?

In the expression y+15, there is one variable, the "y."

A variable that causes change in another variable is called what?

If x causes changes in y, for example 23x3 =y then x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable.

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Terme und variablen (2)

Solve xyz for the variable y?

solve x=yz for the variable y

What variable does Y axis equal?

The y-axis is the metric of the dependent variable.

Differentiate the dependent from independent variable?

Say y = x2 y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable.