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Q: John and Caroline go out for a walk one day. This graph represents the distance they traveled over time. During what part of their walk are they not moving?
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During a single period the distance traveled by a wave is?

The distance traveled by a wave during a single period is one wavelength. The wavelength represents the distance between two successive points of a wave that are in phase with each other.

Why does a curve on a distance-time indicate acceleration?

an increasing distance is traveled during each unit of time

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If a person knows the distance an object has traveled in a certain amount of time they can determine the .?

speed of the object. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance.

What is the definition of average speed?

Averaged speed = distance traveled during some time/time to cover the distance .

What is the distance traveled during a specific unit of time?

Distance traveled during a specific unit of time is defined as the product of speed and time. It can be calculated using the formula Distance = Speed x Time. This formula helps determine the total distance covered by an object in a given time period.

If a person knows the distance an object has traveled in a certain amount of time they can determine the?

If you divide he distance by the time, and take into account the direction traveled, you will get the AVERAGE velocity during the time considered.

Distance traveled divided by the time interval during which the motion occurred?

Average speed

The distance traveled divided by the time interval during which the motion occurred?

It gives speed.

How do you find wavelength of transverse wave?

The wavelength of a transverse wave can be found by measuring the distance between two consecutive points of similar displacement or phase along the wave. This distance represents the distance traveled by the wave during one complete cycle of oscillation. Mathematically, the wavelength can be determined by dividing the wave speed by its frequency.

What is an objects average speed?

An object's average speed is(the distance it traveled during some time)/(the time it took to cover the distance).

What is the calculations for average speed?

Average speed = (distance traveled during some time) divided by (length of time to travel that distance)