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Q: A plane is uniformly accelerated from 60 ms to 80 ms in 12 seconds what is the distance traveled by the plane during this period?
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A race car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly of 40ms in 8 seconds. How far will the car travel during the 8 seconds?

The formula for distance traveled with uniformly accelerated motion is d = 0.5 * a * t^2, where d is the distance, a is the acceleration, and t is the time. Plugging in the values: d = 0.5 * 40 * 8^2 = 0.5 * 40 * 64 = 1280 meters. Therefore, the car will travel 1280 meters in 8 seconds.

An object uniformly accelerates over a distance of 100 m in 20 seconds. What is the acceleration?

an object uniformly accerlerates over a distance of 100 m in 20 seconds. calculate the acceleration.

A plane is uniformly accelerated from 60 ms to 80 m s in 12 seconds what is the distance traveled by the plane during this period?

Initial speed = 60 m/sFinal speed = 80 m/sAverage speed = 70 m/sDistance = (average speed) x (time) = (70 m/s) x (12 s) = 840 meters

What is the distance that the object travels in the first 5 seconds?

To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

A car whose mass is 2000 kg is accelerated uniformly from rest to speed at 15ms in 10 seconds The net force accelerating the car is?

3000 N

How do you Determine the speed of an object that traveled 50 meters in 2 seconds?

Speed = (distance traveled) divided by (time to cover the distance) Speed = (50 meters) / (2 seconds) Speed = 50 meters per 2 seconds Speed = 25 meters per second

If you traveled 50 meters in 25 seconds what is your distance traveled and average speed?

2 meters every second. bit pointless

What is the rate at which you cover a certain distance?

The rate at which you cover a certain distance is known as your speed. It is typically measured in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). Your speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

A body is at 50 feet distance in the 2nd second and at 100 feet in the 4th second of its motion. If the motion is uniformly accelerated where will it be after next 3 seconds?

A general formula for distance traveled under constant acceleration is: S = v0t + at2/2 We have to solve system of equations: 50[ft] = 2v0 + 2a, 100[ft] = 4v0 + 8a, Let's add first equation into second -2 times: 0[ft] = 4a, meaning that accleration a is indeed constant and equals 0. In turn, v0 = 25[ft/s], and S = 100[ft] + 3v0 = 175 ft. Body will be at distance of 175 feet after next three seconds.

Distance traveled in feet after 12 seconds and 87 miles per hour?

After 12 seconds, a car traveling at 87 miles per hour would have traveled approximately 1,520 feet. This can be calculated by first converting 87 miles per hour to feet per second, which is about 128 feet per second. Multiplying this by the number of seconds gives the distance traveled.

An automobile traveling at a velocity of 16 meters per second is brought to a full stop in 8 seconds The distance traveled in the 8 seconds is?

Speed= Distance / time => Distance = Speed x Time =16x8 = 128m

A rave car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 40 ms in 8.0 seconds. How far will the car travel during the 8 seconds?

The distance the car travels during the acceleration can be calculated using the formula: distance = (initial velocity)(time) + 0.5(acceleration)(time)^2. Plug in the values: initial velocity = 0 m/s, final velocity = 40 m/s, time = 8 s. Calculate the distance traveled during the acceleration.