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Q: Judy tosses a coin 4 times What is the probability of getting at least 2 tails?
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What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

What is the probability of getting no tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability is 1/4

What is the probability of getting zero tails on a two tosses?


What is the probability of getting at least 2 tails in 4 tosses of a fair coin?

The probablility of getting 2 tails in 4 tosses of a fair coin is most likely 50%, 2/4=1/2, or .50.

What is the probability of getting 4 tails in 4 tosses of an unfair coin where probability of tails is 7?

The answer would be 7x7x7x7. 2401 to 1.

Judy tosses a coin 4 times draw a tree diagram?

Judy tosses a coin 4 times. draw a tree diagram showing the possible outcomes.What is the probability of getting at least 2 tails?

Was the outcome of getting heads or tails in the 20 tosses same as the probability ratio?

It depends on what variable the probability ratio was for! The random variable could have been the number of heads minus the number of tails, for example.

What is the probability that the fourth toss is tails?

1/2. What the previous tosses are has no impact on what a fourth toss of a coin is, so the chance of getting a tails is the same on any throw.

What is the probability of one head and two tails?

In three tosses, the probability is 3/8.

You are tossing three coins and want to determine the probability for getting at least one head?

Pr(At least one head in three tosses) = 1 - Pr(No heads in three tosses) = 1 - Pr(Three tails in three tosses) = 1 - (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1 - 1/8 = 7/8 or 0.875 or 87.5%

What is a probability of getting a two tails in first two chances if coin is tossed 10 times simultaneously?

The probability of getting two tails in the first two is 1/4. And it does not matter how many more times the coins are tossed after the first two tosses.

What is the probability of getting five tails in a row?

The probability of getting five tails in a row is 1/2^5, or 1 in 32.The probability of getting five heads in a row is 1/2^5, or 1 in 32.Thus, the probability of getting either five heads or five tails in five tosses is 1 in 16.(The caret symbol means "to the power of," as in 2^5 means "2 to the 5th power.")