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Q: Length is 80 cm width is 40 cm what is height?
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What is The Perimeter if The Length was 40 and The Width was 10?

If you're talking about a rectangle, then the answer is 100. There are 2 sides that have 40 as the length, and double that length is 80. There are 2 sides that have 10 as the width, and double that width is 20. 80 + 20 = 100.

What is the length of the place mat with a 40 cm width and a perimeter of 240 cm?

Let the length be x:- 2(x+40) = 240 2x+80 = 240 2x = 240-80 2x = 160 x = 80 cm Check: 80+80+40+40 = 240 cm

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for checked luggage add the length and width and height which cannot exceed 80 inches in this case

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A rectangular prism with a length of 8 yards, width of 2 yards and height of 5 yards has a volume of 80 cubic yards.

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What is the volume of a cuboid that has length of 8 cm and a width of 5 cm having a surface area of 197 square cm showing work?

Volume=length*width*height Length and width is given.Assume height is x. Imagine 3d shape.With length and width we can get area of two faces. 8*5=40cm2 40*2=80cm2. 197-80=117cm2 Opposite faces have same dimensions 2[X*8]+2[X*5]=117 Solve the equation. X=4.5cm So volume 4.5*8*5=180cm3

What is the length and width of 80 acres squared?

A square with an area of 80 acres has a length and width of 1,867 feet. The diagonal length of the square is 2,640 feet.

When length of the rectangular plot is increased by 4 times its perimeter becomes 480metres and area become 12800 sqmetreswhat is the original length?

length 80 mtr and width 40 mtr

How do I find the width of a rectangle if I know its length and its perimeter?

To find the width of a rectangle, multiply the lenght by 2 and subtract it from the perimeter. Once this is done you are left with the two width sides of the rectangle. To find the width divide this number by 2 and you have your answer. For exaple: P= 120 cm L= 40 cm L* 2 = 80 120 - 80 = 40 40/2 = 20 W=20

Area of a triangle with a 10 foot base and 8 foot height?

The answer is 40. Area of triangle = ba/2 where b = length of the base, a = length of corresponding height. Therefore, 10 X 8/2 = 80/2 = 40.

T0he length of a rectangle is 5 tmes the width The area is 80m what is it width?

Let the length be 5x and the width be x: 5x*x = 80 5x2 = 80 x2 = 16 x = 4 The width 4 meters and the length is 20 meters.

Find the area of a cubiod whose length equals 80 widht equals 48 height equals 24?

Assuming that you mean cuboid, length and width, the answer is 13,824 square units.