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Q: List the first eight terms of the sequence formed by finding the differences of successive terms in the Fibonacci sequence?
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How do you find out the formula for a Quadratic Sequence?

A quadratic sequence is when the difference between two terms changes each step. To find the formula for a quadratic sequence, one must first find the difference between the consecutive terms. Then a second difference must be found by finding the difference between the first consecutive differences.

How do you get the golden number using the Fibonacci sequence?

By finding the magical pink rabbit that lives on Mars and getting it to cast its magic rainbow road to Pluto where an orange and blue coloured alien will give you the answer if you fly in a rocket with the magic rabbit to Uranus and slay the magic rabbit eating monster that lives there.

Rule to finding terms in a arithmetic sequence?

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence = a + [(n - 1) X d]

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There is no set equation for finding the nth term of a non- linear sequence. You have to go through a procedure to find the equation suitable for your given sequence. You would have to post the equation itself or re phrase your question for the answer.

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What is a word for finding the next term in a sequence?

From what I know, it is just called "next term in sequence" For a unknown term, just call it the "nth term".

Why are conjectures important in finding unknown terms in a sequence or pattern of numbers?

In order to find the unknown term in a number sequence, you first need to calaculate the advantage of the numbers.

Is there any equation to help finding the nth term of a nonlinear esquence?

"Non-linear sequence" is a generic term for just about ANY sequence, each of which will have a different equation.

Measurements of individual differences?

Measurement of individual differences is finding out how people differ from one another.ÊCognitive tests are used to measure individual differences for the purpose of Êassessing impairments and making diagnostic decisions.

What has a value of the first term and the rule for finding each term based on the term before?

Any iterative sequence.

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by settling their differences and finding stuff they agree on

What kind of science tools could you use to show how solar wind disturbs us here on earth?

Instruments like Pyrheliometre, pyranometre and strip methd of solar intensity calculations can be first used to measure the intensity of solar effect on the surface and then by charting out the differences of solar intensity of a specific month or sequence of days we can create proof of variation in solar energy and radiation . From them by finding out the intensity of the effects we can create a chart or pie diagram to represent the heat differences and by pointing out what such differences can cause to the life on earth.