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mrs.sung gave a test in her trigonometry class. the scores were normally distributed with a mean of 85 and a standard deviation of 3. what percent would you expect to score between 88 and 91?

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Q: Mean of 85 standard deviation of 3what percent would you expect to score between 88 and 91?
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Mrssung gave a test in her trigonometry class the scores were normally distributed with a mean of 85 and a standard deviation of 3 what percent would you expect to score between 82 and 88?

67% as it's +/- one standard deviation from the mean

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What is the purpose of finding the standard deviation of a data set?

The purpose of obtaining the standard deviation is to measure the dispersion data has from the mean. Data sets can be widely dispersed, or narrowly dispersed. The standard deviation measures the degree of dispersion. Each standard deviation has a percentage probability that a single datum will fall within that distance from the mean. One standard deviation of a normal distribution contains 66.67% of all data in a particular data set. Therefore, any single datum in the data has a 66.67% chance of falling within one standard deviation from the mean. 95% of all data in the data set will fall within two standard deviations of the mean. So, how does this help us in the real world? Well, I will use the world of finance/investments to illustrate real world application. In finance, we use the standard deviation and variance to measure risk of a particular investment. Assume the mean is 15%. That would indicate that we expect to earn a 15% return on an investment. However, we never earn what we expect, so we use the standard deviation to measure the likelihood the expected return will fall away from that expected return (or mean). If the standard deviation is 2%, we have a 66.67% chance the return will actually be between 13% and 17%. We expect a 95% chance that the return on the investment will yield an 11% to 19% return. The larger the standard deviation, the greater the risk involved with a particular investment. That is a real world example of how we use the standard deviation to measure risk, and expected return on an investment.

What does a large standard deviation signify?

Standard deviation is basically how much your scores vary from the mean or average score. So if you have a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2 it indicates that most of your values are around 5, and if they are not they will usually be +/- 2 units different (between 3 and 7). If you have a large standard deviation it simply means that your data includes a wide range of values. In some cases it may mean that you have an outlier, or an error in your data, in other cases it is normal depending on what you are measuring.For example if you are taking a sample of peoples ages and you get a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20 that would be normal because you can expect ages to range from 0-100. But if you are measuring shoe size and you get a mean of 8 and a standard deviation of 6 you can expect that something is wrong with your data because not many people have size 2 or size 14 shoes.

The Empirical Rule indicates that we can expect to find what proportion of the sample included within plus or and - 2 standard deviation?

The proportion is approx 95%.

Is it possible for the standard deviation to be less than the sample mean?

Absolutely. In fact I would commonly expect it to be. If, for example, the sample mean for the length of a bolt was 5.5 cm, you would certainly hope the standard deviation was a lot less than 5.5 cm. or it would imply bolts with a negative length (not quite sure how you'd do that without breaching some alternate dimension - no pun intended.)

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Is it grammatically correct to say who do you expect?

Yes, as an incomplete sentence, followed by a prepositional phrase. Otherwise, "Who did you expect?" is standard.