the diffrenece between two 3 digit numbers is a palindrome between 200 and 300. what are the numbers?
If 245 is a factor, and it is between 200 and 300, then the number must be 245 - provided it is a multiple of 7, which it is.
My answer is 201
210, 240, 270, and 300
There are 33 numbers between 200 and 300 that are divisible by three.
There are 67.
Half of multiples of 100 are also multiples of 200. The odd multiples of 100 (300, 500, 700, 900, ...) are not whole multiples of 200. To be precise, we are talking about whole # multiples! For example, 300 is a whole # multiple of 100 (100 x 3)...but is also a multiple of 200, just not a whole # multiple (200 x 1.5) Realistically, any # that ends in 00 is a whole number multiple of 100. ex 100,200,300,400,500,...999,900... Any # that ends in an even # followed by 00, is also a whole number multiple of 200. ex 200,400,600,800,...
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
160, 180, 200.
the diffrenece between two 3 digit numbers is a palindrome between 200 and 300. what are the numbers?
Multiple is just a number that the number will go in to. Examples: Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ... Multiples of 20: 20, 40, 60, 80, ... Not sure what your question is asking "between 200", but I hope my examples helped.
200 years.
300 times 300 divided by 300
201 is one such.
3*100 = 300
this isn't a place to do your math homework.