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Muscles that elevate the angle of the mouth?

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Q: Muscles that elevate the angle of the mouth?
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Prime mover to raise the mandible?

The temporalis and masseter muscles are the primary muscles responsible for raising the mandible (lower jaw) during the process of chewing or biting. These muscles work together to produce the necessary force to close the mouth and elevate the mandible.

Which muscles enabled us to breathe?

muscles of the mouth

What muscles extend the head?

Trapezius - depends on actice region and stateof other muscles; may (1) elevate, retract, depress or rotate scapula upward, (2) elevate clavicle, or (3) extend neck

Which muscles elevate and retract the mandible?

Temporalis, Masseter and the Medial Pterygoid

How do you suck?

you put something in your mouth and you pull with your mouth muscles!

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External intercostal muscles are the ones between the ribs that help elevate them during inspiration.

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The "arrectores pilorum" or hair erector muscles elevate the hair follicles above the rest of the skin causing what we call " Goose Bumps "

What muscle is used to elevate the larynx?

The thyrohyoid muscle,as well as the elevator muscles lift the larynx anteriorly and superiorly.

What forces mouth closing muscles generate?

the epic coolness of ur mouth

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The temporalis acts to do what?

The temporalis muscle acts to elevate and retract the mandible (lower jaw) during the process of chewing. It is one of the main muscles involved in mastication (chewing) and helps in closing the mouth during jaw movements.