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It will be a negative e.g -2+-2=-4

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Q: Negaitve plus a negaitve equals what?
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If the discriminant is negaitve, there are no "real" solutions. The solutions are "imaginary".

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Yes. The only requirement is an anti "D" injection to the mother after the first baby.

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You're familiar with the xy-plane. A line with negative slope is one that goes down toward the right. A curve has a negative slope at a point if the tangent line to the curve at that point has a negative slope.

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Electrical current in copper is the flow of electrons which are negaitve charge particles. In a typical battery, electrons flow from the negative (bottom) side to the positive (top, nipple) side. However, the engineering convention is to call the "plus" side of the battery the source so current is said to flow from the plus side to the negative side -- which is the opposite to the physical flow of electrons.