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(-y, x) is generally a point in the Cartesian plane - not a vector nor a scalar.

You can have a vector going from any point in the plane to the point (-y, x) but that is not the same thing.

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Q: How do you determine if -y x is a two dimensional vector or not?
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It is the cross product of two vectors. The cross product of two vectors is always a pseudo-vector. This is related to the fact that A x B is not the same as B x A: in the case of the cross product, A x B = - (B x A).


A position vector is a vector that represents the location of a point in space relative to a reference point or origin. It specifies the distance and direction from the origin to the point. In three-dimensional space, a position vector is typically denoted as <x, y, z>.

How are vectors combined?

Vectors are combined by adding or subtracting their corresponding components. For two-dimensional vectors, you add/subtract the x-components together and the y-components together to get the resulting vector. For three-dimensional vectors, you perform the same process with the addition of the z-components.