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Yes, but only if the argument of the sine function is in radians.

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Q: On the unit circle define the sine function by using the distance walked as the input and the y coordinate as the output?
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What is a sine in mathematics?

A function that depends on the value of an angle. One way to define it is with a unit circle (a circle with center in the coordinate origin, and radius of 1). To the right is zero, from there, a positive angle is counterclockwise. In this case, the sine is simply the y-coordinate, and the cosine is the x-coordinate of the point on the circle where the ray of the angle crosses the circle. The value of the sine (and cosine) obviously depends on the angle - that's why it is considered a "function". Sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, cosecans, and secans can also be defined via right triangles; for more details see here:

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It doesn't really. Depending on the exact value of the argument, the cosine function can give both positive and negative results, for a negative argument. As to "why" the sine, or cosine, functions have certain values, just look at the function definition. Take points on a unit circle. The sine represents the y-coordinate for any point on the circle, while the cosine represents the x-coordinate for such a point. (There are also other ways to define the sine and the cosine functions.)

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A semi-circle

Define radius of a circle?

In order to fully understand what the radius of a given circle is, you must know the diameter. The diameter is the distance across the circle through the center. The radius of a circle is half the diameter. For example, if the diameter of a circle is 8 inches, then the radius would be 4 inches.

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No. Functions should be defined separately. So you would not define a function within a function. You can define one function, and while defining another function, you can call the first function from its code.

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