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Q: Prepare a list of wheat made products that you use in your daily life?
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Why do we need study chemistry? our daily life to prepare medicines..

How does research affect daily life?

Research affects daily life in many ways. It affects the medications that people take, the products that they use for personal hygiene, and the products that they clean with. Research enables people to know which products are safe for them.

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tooth paste?

What was the daily life of the middle colonies?

It was warm and they had fertil soil.they were often called ''the basket bread because they grew alot of wheat.

What are the petroleum products for use in your daily life?

crude oil , petrol ,coal ,diesel etc

How do you use science in your daily life?

You use science all the time in your daily life. You use technology with your cellphone and computer. You use the scientific method to solve problems. You use chemistry to prepare food.

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Why are acids useful in your daily life?

Acids are useful in daily life for various reasons, such as in cleaning products to dissolve tough stains, in food preservation to extend shelf life, and in agriculture for adjusting soil pH levels. Additionally, acids are used in beauty products for exfoliation and in medicines for their therapeutic effects.

What role does chemistry play in your daily life?

All around us can be considered as chemical products, artificial or natural.

How are acids and bases useful in your daily life?

Acids and bases are used in daily life in various ways. Acids are used in cleaning products, food preservation, and in the production of some medicines. Bases are used in household cleaning products, baking, and as antacids for relieving indigestion.