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Q: Quotations of more than more than four lines should be what?
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Quotations of more than four lines should be?

double spaced and indented Double spaced and indent; do not use quotation marks.

When composing a paper you should have no more then percent of directly quoted material?

10% of a paper can be direct quotations, more than 4 lines together is called block quotation

Quotations of or more lines must be set off by double spacing and indenting by inch es?

When including a quotation of four or more lines in a block quote, it should be set off from the main text with double spacing and a one-inch left margin indentation. This formatting helps to visually separate the quote from the rest of the text and indicates to the reader that it is a direct quotation. Additionally, be sure to maintain the original formatting of the quote, including any line breaks or indentation within the quotation itself.

Quotations should be set off from the rest of the text with a narrower margin when they reach what length?

When quotations reach 40 words or more, you should set them off from the rest of the text with a narrower margin. This style helps to visually distinguish longer quotations from the surrounding text and improve readability.

What are four pairs of perpendicular lines?

They are simply four pairs of perpendicular lines. There is nothing in the question to suggest there is anything more than that to them.

What are some tips on beating Tetris?

A good start is that one should know not to stack the pieces vertically. Horizontal is the best way to clear the lines. Clearing those lines in a set of four or more will get more points!

What is double indentation?

According to MLA guidelines, (may differ in APA or Chicago-style) a double indent is either pressing [Tab] twice or 10 spaces. It also says to use double indents when using a quote in a paper that is more than four lines long.I recommend:For quotations that extend to more than four lines of verse or prose: place quotations in a free-standing block of text and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, with the entire quote indented one inch from the left margin; maintain double-spacing. Only indent the first line of the quotation by a half inch if you are citing multiple paragraphs. Your parenthetical citation should come after the closing punctuation mark. When quoting verse, maintain original line breaks. (You should maintain double-spacing throughout your essay.)

What factors should be borne in mind in sending quotations?

When sending quotations, you need more information in order to adapt your selling efforts. You also need a personal relationship with stakeholders and decision makers.

Which figure contains perpendicular lines and parallel lines?

Any polygon with four or more sides can have perpendicular and parallel lines.

Do quotes under four lines have quotation marks?

Yes, quotes under four lines typically have quotation marks. Quotation marks are used to indicate that the words inside them are being spoken by someone else or are referenced from another source.

What do diagonal lines imply?

That the shape is a polygon with four or more sides.

What does extended quotation mean?

Extended quotation refers to a quote that is longer than a typical short quotation, usually spanning multiple lines or paragraphs of text. It is used to extract and convey a significant amount of information or detail from a source without altering its original wording.