

Best Answer

The refractive index and refractive power are both directly proportional because

due to power the distance is decrease or increase if power increases or decreases

and to refractive index the bending of light occurs in towards or away. Bending of

light ray and distance of light ray are directly proportional so refractive index and

power are directly proportional.


Answer #2:

They have very little connection, except that the same big word appears in both terms.

Refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the

speed of light in that substance.

Refractive power of an optical device, like a lens, does naturally depend somewhat

on the refractive index of the material used to make the lens, but it's got much

more to do with the shape of the lens ... the curvature of its surfaces etc.

You can make lenses with a wide range of different refractive powers, all out of

the same kind of glass with the same refractive index. And you can construct

lenses that all have the same refractive power out of many many different

substances with different refractive indexes, like crown glass, flint glass, plastic,

jello etc. So in that sense, the two are completely unrelated.

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