33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places. if it were 33.4829, which is four decimal places, you would round it to the nearest three DECIMAL places, which would be 33.487. So, the answer to your question is; 33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places.
2229.66 to 0 decimal places = 2230
2356164.38 already has only 2 decimal places, so there is no need to round it.
Leave it as it is because it is already in three decimal places
8.588 rounded to two decimal places is 8.59.
85 rounded to three decimal places is 85.000
You can only round a number to 2 decimal places if it currently has more than 2 decimal places.
round 2.439 to 2 decimal places = 2.44
33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places. if it were 33.4829, which is four decimal places, you would round it to the nearest three DECIMAL places, which would be 33.487. So, the answer to your question is; 33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places.
132600 = 132600.00 to 2 decimal places
2229.66 to 0 decimal places = 2230
2356164.38 already has only 2 decimal places, so there is no need to round it.
It means to round a decimal number to its nearest hundredth place as for example 2.125 rounded to 2 decimal places is 2.13
To round 2 decimal places for square roots all that needed is the knowledge to round just any number.
In Excel, the second argument of the Round function specifies the number of decimal places to round to. If this number is negative, it rounds to corresponding digits before the decimal point.
0.1717 rounded to two decimal places is 0.17