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Q: Round the number 14.587020 to 4 significant digits?
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How do you multiply numbers while considering significant digits?

When multiplying numbers with significant digits, count the total number of significant digits in each number being multiplied. The result should have the same number of significant digits as the number with the fewest significant digits. Round the final answer to that number of significant digits.

What is 10.245 rounds to?

The answer depends on the number of significant digits that you wish to round to.

How to use significant digits in multiplication?

When multiplying numbers with different numbers of significant digits, the result should have the same number of significant digits as the least precise measurement. Count the number of significant digits in each number, perform the multiplication as usual, and then round the result to the least number of significant digits used in the calculation.

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When calculating the average thickness of a penny does the number of pennies in the stack influence the number of significant digits allowed?

No, counting numbers you can ignore or say they have an infinate number of significant digits. By counting numbers I mean things you count, or non measurements, or numbers you wouldn't round to significant digits anyway . Measurements always have significant digits.

How do you abbreviate an irrational number?

You can just round it off. For example, if your number is 8.38572998472654400131... that is equal to approximately 8.4 (if two significant digits is enough for your purposes) or 8.39 (if you prefer 3 significant digits).

In algebra How can 0 1?

Well, in science you always need significant digits: 0 has no significant digits, so we round to the nearest number with 1 significant digit: namely, -1 or 1.

What decimal is 0.83333333 rounded to?

The answer depends on the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits to which you wish to round the number.

What decimal is 0.833333... rounded to?

The answer depends on the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits to which you wish to round the number.

Round 31456 to 3 significant digits?

The first 3 significant digits of a number are the first 3 digits starting from the left ignoring any leading zeros. So 31456 = 31500 (3 significant digits) The 5 in the "56" rounds the 4 up.

How do you round off these 14.587020 to 4 significant digits?

14.587020 rounded to four significant digits is 14.59

What is the syntax for the ROUND function in MS Excel?

=ROUND(Number, Number of Digits) Number is the number you are trying to round. Number of Digits is the amount of digits you want to round it to. So for example: =ROUND(41.98662,3) That will give you 41.987 as the answer.