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Well, in science you always need significant digits: 0 has no significant digits, so we round to the nearest number with 1 significant digit: namely, -1 or 1.

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Q: In algebra How can 0 1?
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What are the laws and rules of Boolean algebra?

boolean algebra is a type of algebra which only uses two numbers 0 and 1 (true and false) it only has two operations "and":* and "or":+ a+b=1 if a=1 or b=1 a+b=0 if a=0 and b=0 a*b=0 if a=0 or b=0 a*b=1 if a=1 and b=1 also a line above a variable means "not". (not)a=1 if a=0 (not)a=0 if a=1 one of the great things about boolean algebra is that almost any equation can be solved by testing since each variable can only take one of the two values. Read more:

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1 and 0

What is boolean alegbra?

boolean algebra is a type of algebra which only uses two numbers 0 and 1 (true and false) it only has two operations "and":* and "or":+ a+b=1 if a=1 or b=1 a+b=0 if a=0 and b=0 a*b=0 if a=0 or b=0 a*b=1 if a=1 and b=1 also a line above a variable means "not". (not)a=1 if a=0 (not)a=0 if a=1 one of the great things about boolean algebra is that almost any equation can be solved by testing since each variable can only take one of the two values.

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a = [1] Simple as that!! did you mean an identity matrix (I)? then a would equal: a= [ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ] All 1's down the main diagonal

What numbers are used in Boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra uses the numbers 0 and 1 to represent statements which are False and True respectively.

Definition of boolean algebra?

The branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false, usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively.

I know what exclamations in algebra mean but how would i answer 0 with an exclamation after it?

Zero factorial is equal to one. 0! = 1

What are the importance of boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra is an area of algebra in which variables are replaced with 1 or 0 to indicate true or false. This form of algebra became the basis for binary computer programming used in digital electronic development.

What is boolean alzebra?

If you mean boolean algebra, in mathematics it refers to the subarea of algebra. In boolean algebra the values of the variables are based on true and false (truth values), denoted as 0 and 1 respectively.

What is the easiest math question?

1 + 0...? or easy algebra like a + 1 = 1 XD Are those easy? :D

What does 0 0 in algebra?

Zero represents any value in algebra. This includes positive or negative numbers.