if the denominators are the same just add or subtract.for example:2/7+3/7=5/7
If the denominators are the same (which is what I understand by "similar fractions"), just subtract the numerators (the upper part).
Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.
If the denominators are the same, just add or subtract the numerators. For example, 2/7 + 3/7 = 5/7. am i right?
Ensure that the denominators are the same when adding or subtracting fractions.
no answer
If the denominators are the same (which is what I understand by "similar fractions"), just subtract the numerators (the upper part).
To add polynomials , simply combine similar terms. Combine similar terms get the sum of the numerical coefficients and affix the same literal coefficient .
Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.
Ensure that the denominators are the same when adding or subtracting fractions.
If the denominators are the same, just add or subtract the numerators. For example, 2/7 + 3/7 = 5/7. am i right?
You subtract a polynomial by adding its additive inverse. For example, subtracting (x - y) is the same as adding (-x + y). Alternately, you can simply subtract similar terms - that is, subtract the coefficients (the numbers) for terms that have the same combination of variables.
your mom is 2
no answer
i think divisibility rules help with fractions because it helps you reduce the fraction to make i a simple fraction.