

Show you 2.16 inch in a ruler?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Show you 2.16 inch in a ruler?
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How many whole inches are on a ruler?

Depends on the length of the ruler A 6 inch ruler would show 6 whole inches A 12 inch ruler would show 12 whole inches.

How can you use an inch ruler to show equivalent fractions?

you can use an inch ruler to show equivelent fraction by using your brain and trying to think hard then if you still dont get it try to get an adult or a family member to help u

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inch ruler

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an inch ruler is 2.5cm and a cm is the same but smaller.....saichona

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216/12 = 18 feet which is greater

How many in

216 inch pounds is equal to 18 foot pounds.

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The answer depends on the measurement units used for 8.3

Could you show 11.375 on a ruler?

On a standard ruler, 11.375 inches would fall between the 11-inch mark and the 12-inch mark. You would need to estimate the position between the two marks to indicate 11.375 inches.

How big is .39 on a ruler?

That depends on the ruler. If you refer to a 1 foot ruler, divided in inches and sub-inch divisions, then 0.39 inch is a more than a quarter inch, and less than a half inch.

What are the little lines on a ruler on inches?

Typically the smallest lines are a sixteenth of an inch apart. Some rulers may show thirty-seconds or sixty-fourths of an inch.

Show 0.13 inches on a ruler?

It would be difficult. The smallest distance on most rulers is 0.1 inch. Some rulers do show 1/16 inch (=0.066..) and two of these units would be 0.133... inch. Near 0.13 but not quite.

Where On a ruler where would five eights of an inch be?

Five eighths of an inch on a ruler would be located between the half-inch mark and the three-quarter inch mark.