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> For example: 3 > 2 three is more than two

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Q: Sign for is more than
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What does the more than sign looks like?

the more than sign looks like this > and if you want to know the less than sign it looks like this <

How many more corners does a stop sign have than a yield sign?

a stop sign has 5 more corners than a yield sisn

How many more corners does a stop sign have than a yeild sign?

A stop sign has 5 more corners than a yield sign. stop sign-8 corners yield sign-3 corners 8-3=5

What inequality sign means no more than?

It's the "less than" sign [ < ] above the "equals" sign [ = ].&acirc;&permil;&curren;When you see it, you read it " ... less than or equal to ... ". That's the same as " ... no more than ... "

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What inequality sign do you use when a word problem states no more than?

If a word problem states "no more than", the corresponding inequality sign is less than or equal to (&le;). For example, if x is no more than than 4, then: x &le; 4.

What is the name of the less-than-sign?

A more formal name is the strict inequality sign.

What is a symbol representing a quantity that doesn't have an equal sign called?

An inequality sign which means &gt; more than and &lt; less than

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Mars! What can be more masculine than the God of War himself?

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sign 1 on to aim another on to meebo and another on to airaim done

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&gt; 1%

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