

Sin2x equals cos3x find x

Updated: 12/10/2022
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14y ago

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0. sin 2x = cos 3x

1. sin 2x = sin (pi/2 - 3x) [because cos u = sin (pi/2 - u)]

2. [...]

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Replace sin2x with the equivalent (1 - cos2x). Simplify, and use the quadratic equation, to solve for cos x.Replace sin2x with the equivalent (1 - cos2x). Simplify, and use the quadratic equation, to solve for cos x.Replace sin2x with the equivalent (1 - cos2x). Simplify, and use the quadratic equation, to solve for cos x.Replace sin2x with the equivalent (1 - cos2x). Simplify, and use the quadratic equation, to solve for cos x.

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There is not a "reverse" - whatever that may mean. The solution is x = (-0.6662 + 2k*pi) radians where k is an integer.