Octal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hexadecimal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
F in hexadecimal is 17 in octal.
8 in octal, 16 in hexadecimal.
Octal and hexadecimal numbers are useful for humans as they compactly represent binary numbers:each octal digit represents exactly 3 binary digitseach hexadecimal number represents exactly 4 binary digitsFor example, instead of trying to read (and remember) the binary number 100111001001 it can be represented as hexadecimal 0x09c9 or octal 04711 which are easier to read (and remember) for humans.
Hexadecimal -> BB895Cdecimal -> 12.290.396octal -> 56.704.534
On computers.
F in hexadecimal is 17 in octal.
8 in octal, 16 in hexadecimal.
FD2 (hexadecimal) = 7722 (octal)
255 in decimal. 377 in octal. 11111111 in binary.
Octal = 56704534 Decimal = 12290396
the octal numbering system is not used for dealing it was once used for computers but has been replaced with binary and hexadecimal because of its complexity and how it does not relate to binary at all hexadecimal and binary go together way better...
Octal and hexadecimal numbers are useful for humans as they compactly represent binary numbers:each octal digit represents exactly 3 binary digitseach hexadecimal number represents exactly 4 binary digitsFor example, instead of trying to read (and remember) the binary number 100111001001 it can be represented as hexadecimal 0x09c9 or octal 04711 which are easier to read (and remember) for humans.
The base in a hexadecimal system is 16. The symbols are: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
Hexadecimal -> BB895Cdecimal -> 12.290.396octal -> 56.704.534