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The weather.

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Q: The Chicago School showed a correlation between crime and what?
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Who showed relation between real numbers and points on line?

Richard Dedekind and Georg Cantor.

What is the Correlation between Intelligence and sex drive?

The newest science seems to believe that higher intelligence (a higher IQ is generally how this is measured) correlates to an increased sex drive. However, generally speaking people with higher IQs will have less sex and with fewer parnets despite this heightened desire. A study done by a sex toy company showed that people pursuing higher education in more prestigious universities spent significantly more money on their products--at the same time, a study done by the University of Cambrige psychology department showed that these same group of high IQ students were more likely to be virgins, or at least to have reduced number of sexual partners in a year. There are many other similar studies done, and while older science for some time claimed a negative correlation between IQ and sex drive, this seems to have been disproved. Googling "intelligence and sex drive" will show you many of the studies I am mentioned and more.

What is the difference between a temple and a pyramid?

A temple is where you worship and a pyramid is a building where pharaohs are buried. A pyramid can also be showed or built to show greatness.

What is a word problem for 5 divided by 8?


What civilization showed Romans the display of gladiator fights?

The Etruscan civilization that ruled much of the Italian peninsula showed Romans the practice of gladiator fights. Later on when the Etruscans were defeated largely by the Roman City State, this practice continued.

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Who first proposed a correlation between chlorinated hydrocarbons and ozone depletion?

The correlation between chlorinated hydrocarbons and ozone depletion was first proposed by chemists Rowland and Molina in a paper published in 1974. They showed that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released into the atmosphere could reach the stratosphere where they catalyze the breakdown of ozone molecules.

If a study showed that students that have more hours in a driver's education class have fewer accidents this would be a(n)?

negative correlation.

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The main findings of the study on 30,000 European participants showed a strong correlation between regular physical activity and improved overall health outcomes, including lower rates of chronic diseases and better mental well-being.

How did the columbian exposition effect Chicago?

it effected their economy (monetary), it showed culture and educated everyone about things

Alice walkers mother only showed temper when?

She only showed her temper when the landlord suggested that her children did not need to go to school.

What discovery convinced geoscientist that milankovitchs astronomical theory explained the major climate flucatuations of the pleistocene?

The discovery of a strong correlation between variations in Earth's orbit and the timing of glacial and interglacial periods during the Pleistocene provided convincing evidence for Milankovitch's astronomical theory. This correlation showed that changes in the Earth's orbital parameters could influence the amount and distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth, leading to major climate fluctuations.

What did the great Chicago fire demonstrate?

The fire showed the need for building standards and an effective professional fire department.

How good was William McKinley's education?

he showed skills in every subject in school

If a student showed profiviency in his school work his grades would be low?


Who were the three people that showed Auggie around before school started in the book Wonder?

The three people who showed Auggie around before school started in the book Wonder are Jack Will, Charlotte, and Julian.

Is the Lunar Landing actually true In High School Science they showed us that it isn't?

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Who showed Justin bieber how to jerk?

Probably a friend from middle school... He is addicted now...