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It is the number of units of unit area that it covers!

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Q: The area of a polygon is the number of?
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Related questions

What best describes area of a polygon?

The area of a polygon is the two-dimensional set of all points surrounded by the sides of the polygon. If you're looking for an equation, it varies based on the number of sides and the shape of the polygon.

If the area of the polygon is 1440 how many sides does the polygon have?

If you mean the total number of degrees is 1440 then the polygon is a decagon and has 10 sides.

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The of a polygon is the number of square units contained in its interior.?


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The polygon is a Quadrilateral.

What polygon fits a 22 feet circle?

A polygon with any number of sides will fit the 22ft circle. The more sides your polygon has, the less the area between the circle and the polygon..

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Which term describes the number of square units in the interior of a polygon?


What is an area of a polygon?

area of a polygon is the amount of area inside the polygon. A square is a polygon and its area is the side length squared, ie times itself. Some polygons are harder to find the area of.

Which term describes the number of square units contained in the interior of a polygon?


What best describes the area of a polygon?

The number of square units contained in the interior

What is the area of a regular polygon with the radius of 14?

You need to know the number of sides.