To get the decimal, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. If the decimal runs to more than one place, then you have to round it to one decimal place.
Go to the second decimal place; if it is less than 5; round down. If it is 5 or greater, round up. So, 1.51 rounded to 1 decimal place is 1.5.
Almost any calculator can calculate square roots. Have the calculator calculate it. Then round the result to 1 decimal place.
Using a calculator you can find that the square root of 65 is 8.062258. To take this to one decimal place you have to first consider only digits up to one decimal place. In this case that would be 8.0 The next step is to look at the second decimal place and assess if we need to round up. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round up, otherwise we leave the number as it is (round down). In this case, the second decimal is a 6, so we round up. Therefore, the square root of 65 to 1 decimal place is 8.1
round 0.2975 to 1 decimal place = 0.3
to round 68.4 to one decimal place = 68.4
Round 10.99557429 to one decimal place is 11.0
6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.