

Best Answer

Tetraedral: 4-sided pyramide (Can't be drawn with this text editor, so I'll try to describe:

ignore the dots . . . . . . they're just space holders)

__ . . . . . . . . .One free electron pair in top ( __ )

P . . . . . . . . . atom in center

. . . . . . . ./. .|. .\

. . . . . . . Br. Br. .Br . . . . . . three covalent (shared) pairs ( /, |, \ ) from centered P to

ground corners with three bromine atoms.

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Q: The arrangement of electron pairs in pbr3?
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What is the difference between the arrangement of electron pairs and the shape of the molecules?

The shape of a molecule only describes the arrangement of bonds around a central atom. The arrangement of electron pairs describes how both the bonding and nonbonding electron pair are arranged. For example, in its molecular shape, a water molecule is describes as bent, with two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. However, the arrangement of electron pairs around the oxygen atom is tetrahedral as there are two bonding pairs (shared with the hydrogen) and also two nonbonding pairs.

Which molecule has a tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs but is not a tetrahedral molecule?

Sulfur dioxide is an example of a molecule that has a tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs due to its VSEPR geometry, but it is not a tetrahedral molecule. This is because it has a bent molecular shape, with two bonding pairs and one lone pair of electrons around the central sulfur atom.

What is the spatial arrangement of lone pairs and bonded pairs around the central atom?

electron-group geometry Apex!

What is the electron group arrangement for SF2?

The electron group arrangement for SF2 is trigonal planar. This means that the sulfur atom is surrounded by three regions of electron density, with two of these being bonding pairs and one being a lone pair.

What is the hybridization of SeO3?

The hybridization of SeO3 is sp3, as selenium has four electron groups around it (three bonding pairs and one lone pair). This results in a tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs and a sp3 hybridization.

What is the difference between Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry and explain the circumstances under which they will not be the same?

Electron geometry describes the arrangement of electron pairs around a central atom in a molecule, based on the total number of electron pairs (bonding and nonbonding). Molecular geometry, on the other hand, describes the arrangement of atoms, taking into account only the positions of the atoms. They will not be the same when there are lone pairs of electrons on the central atom. In such cases, the electron geometry is determined by all electron pairs, whereas the molecular geometry considers only the positions of the atoms, leading to a difference.

The spatial arrangement of electrons groups around the central atom is called?

electron-group geometry

How does number of electron pairs around central atom determine its shape?

The number of electron pairs around the central atom determines its shape by following the VSEPR theory, which states that electron pairs arrange themselves around the central atom to be as far apart from each other as possible. The arrangement of electron pairs gives rise to specific molecular geometries, which in turn determine the overall shape of the molecule.

What does the VSPER theory predict?

VSEPR theory predicts the geometrical arrangement of atoms in a molecule based on minimizing repulsion between electron pairs. It helps in determining the shape of molecules by considering the number of electron pairs surrounding a central atom.

What is the hybridization of TeCl2?

The hybridization of TeCl2 is sp3 because it has two bonding pairs and two lone pairs around the tellurium atom, resulting in a tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs.

How do you determine the shape of molecules?

The shape of molecules is determined by the number of bonding and non-bonding electron pairs around the central atom. The VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory is commonly used to predict molecular geometry based on electron pairs' repulsion. The arrangement of these electron pairs results in different molecular shapes such as linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, and more.

What is describe by the VSEPR theory?

How atoms are arranged in a molecule.