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1, 8 and 27.

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Q: The cube of each of the first three positive whole numbers?
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What are the first three whole numbers after 5000?

The first three whole numbers after 5000 are 5001, 5002, and 5003. Whole numbers are non-negative integers, so they include all positive integers starting from zero. In this case, we are simply counting sequentially from 5000 onwards to arrive at the next three whole numbers.

What are examples of a set?

A set can be anything. {1, 2, 3} is a set of the first 3 counting numbers. It's also the first three positive integers. The the set of the smallest positive whole numbers.

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Are whole numbers positive numbers?

No. One half is positive but not whole.

Are all positive numbers whole numbers?

No. One half is positive but not whole.

What are three whole and positive numbers that have the same answer who are multiplied together and when they are added together?

one, two, and three

How many three digit whole numbers are there?

There are only 999 three digit whole numbers.

If a number is positive is it a whole number?

No, the vast majority of positive numbers are not whole numbers.

What is the sum of the first 100 positive numbers?

We have to assume that you're talking about whole numbers. The sum is 5,050 .

How many whole numbers can you make using the first three whole numbers?

Using 1, 2, and 3, you can make 27 whole numbers.

Are positive numbers whole numbers?

No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.