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The idea is to divide the mass by the volume.

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Q: The density for a sample of a pure material with a volume of 5 cm3 and a mass of 20 grams is?
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To find the volume of a sample of lead, you need to know its density. The density of lead is 11.34 grams per cubic centimeter. You can calculate the volume by dividing the mass of the lead sample by its density. In this case, the volume of a 17.6 gram sample of lead would be approximately 1.55 cubic centimeters.

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Density = mass/volume, so:36 grams/ 12 milliliters3 grams/ milliliter

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The density of the material is its mass divided by its volume. In this case, the density would be 180 grams / 45 mL = 4 grams/mL.

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The mass of the material can be calculated using the formula: Mass = Density x Volume. Plugging in the values, Mass = 6.72 g/cm^3 x 55.1 cm^3 = 369.672 g. Therefore, the mass of the material is 369.672 grams.

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To determine the identity of the sample, you would need the density of the material it is made of. Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume (density = mass/volume). Without this information, it is not possible to accurately determine the identity of the sample.

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Density = Mass/ Volume = 15/5 = 3 grams per cm3

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To get the density, just divide the mass by the volume.

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To determine the volume of a sample with a given mass (96.2 grams), you need to know the density of the substance. The volume can be calculated using the formula: Volume = Mass / Density. Without knowing the density of the substance, it is not possible to calculate the volume.

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The density of the sample can be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. In this case, 55 grams divided by 22 milliliters is approximately 2.5 grams per milliliter.

What us the volume of a 16.24 grams sample of magnesium in grams per cubic centimeters?

Volume cannot be measured in grams per cubic centimetres, density can.

What is the density of 101 grams?

Density is a measure of mass per unit volume, so to determine the density of 101 grams, you need to know the volume of the object or material that weighs 101 grams. Once you have the volume, you can calculate the density by dividing the mass (101 grams) by the volume.