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Really a good question!

Heat: Heat is the thermal energy (kinetic energy) that is transferred from one body to another. It is measured in metric unit termed Joules (symbol J). As mentioned above heat is transferred spontaneously from objects of higher temperature to ones of lower temperature (warmer to colder bodies).

Temperature: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up the substance.

Our understanding of what heat is and how it is different from temperature has not always been so clear. The activity below will help students understand some of the background behind our present day theories of heat.
Microscopic point of view

Temperature is, but for the unit of measure, the average energy an atom (or molecule)) of a given body has due to its microscopic random motion. Different types of motions contributes to the temperature: translation, rotation vibrations and so on.

Heath is the energy that is exchanged by a hot and a cold body due to the different temperature. The energy exchange is due to the collisions at the bodies contact surface (at least if heat is exchanged by conduction). The hot body has more energetic molecules, when they collide with less energetic molecules in the cold body generally they transfer energy to them at microscopic level. The average of this phenomenon on the huge number of molecules (or atoms) a macroscopic body is made of is a net energy transfer that is called heath.

Other types of heath transfer (like transfer by radiation or by convection) are more complicated to describe but the principle is the same.

Macroscopic Point of View

Temperature is an intensive (do not depend on mass) thermodynamic function representing the tendency of a body to give up heath.

Heath is the form of energy at the lower entropy level (that is made by more disordered phenomena). Heath is an extensive function (it is proportional to the mass of the body).

Heath passes from bodies at higher temperature to bodies at lower temperature spontaneously, while the opposite process (happening for example inn refrigerators) has to be driven artificially by using some type of work (electrical work in standard refrigerators).

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Q: The difference between heat and temperature?
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The main difference between heat and temperature is that temperature is solely dependent on the?

The main difference between heat and temperature is that temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, while heat is the transfer of energy between two substances due to a temperature difference. Temperature is a scalar quantity, while heat is a form of energy.

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Heat is related to temperature differences. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two systems due to a temperature difference. When there is a temperature gradient between two systems, heat will flow from the warmer system to the cooler system.

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Yes, temperature difference does affect heat transfer rate. The greater the temperature difference between two objects, the faster heat will transfer between them. This is described by Newton's Law of Cooling, where the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the temperature difference.

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The difference between heat and temperature is that heat is the amount of energy given off by a piece of matter, and Specific Heat indicates the amount of heat necessary to change 1g of something by 1 degree. Temperature measures change in heat.

Heat is?

Heat is a form of energy resulting from the temperature difference between a system and its surroundings.

What is the energy that flows between 2 objects due to a difference in temperature?

The energy that flows between two objects due to a difference in temperature is called heat. Heat transfer occurs from a high temperature object to a low temperature object until thermal equilibrium is reached.

Does the difference in the level of heat between two substances determine the heat transfer rate between the substances?

Yes, the greater the difference in temperature between two substances, the faster heat transfer will occur between them. This is because heat naturally flows from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature in an attempt to reach equilibrium.

What condition is necessary for the flow of heat?

A temperature difference between two objects or systems is necessary for the flow of heat. Heat flows from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached.

Why is energy transferred as heat between two objects at the same temperature?

Energy is transferred as heat between two objects at the same temperature due to thermal equilibrium. In this state, there is no temperature difference driving heat flow, so heat transfer still occurs to maintain equilibrium between the two objects.

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la la la

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Thermal energy is heat. Temperature is a measure of the concentration of heat energy.