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Q: The magnetic bearing to two objects is sighted on a Brunton Compass as follows object 1 273 and Acirc and deg object 2 180 and Acirc and deg The angle between the objects is degrees.?
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A difference between direction and bearing?

For sailors, bearing is the angle measured clockwise from North. For mathematicians, direction is measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. Thus, due East as a bearing would be 90 degrees, since it is 90 degrees clockwise from North, and East as a direction would be 0 degrees, since East is the same as the positive x-axis. So yeah, there you go.

How is the angle of magnetic declination measured?

You need to determine the geographic north, for example by observing sunrise and sunset; by observing the stars; or by using a compass that reacts to Earth's rotation (a gyrocompass). Then you observe where the needle of a magnetic compass points. Finally, you measure the angular difference between the two.

What is the compass variation?

I think you're after the magnetic variation. If so :- That is the variation between true north and the earth's magnetic field at your location. Can be + or - and up to a few tens of degrees.Your compass does not actually point to north, though that is a useful assumption. In reality, the compass needle aligns itself with the direction of the earth's magnetic lines of force at your location. These do not run nicely north and south. Your map will have on it an indication of the magnetic variation in that region, and may include also the amount by which that varies annually.The earth's magnetic field is generated (most of it anyway) by electrical currents flowing in the magma. These currents may be caused by the core rotating slightly faster than the mantle and crust. [But no one's been there!] The magma and the earths core beneath it are much too hot to sustain a magnetic field.

What is the deviation angle between geographic and true north in India?

It's rather small in India. In New Delhi, the magnetic compass points 51 minutes east of true north. That error is increasing by about 1 minute per year.

How do draw a circle with a compass?

To draw a circle with a compass, first set the distance between the point and the pencil of the compass using a ruler. This distance is the radius. Now, place the point on the paper where you want the center of the circle. Spin the compass around the point, lightly dragging the pencil on the paper, and you will have a circle.

Related questions

What is true magnetic bearing?

True magnetic bearing is the angle measured clockwise from true north to a destination point. It takes into account the magnetic declination, which is the difference between true north and magnetic north at a specific location. This type of bearing is important for accurate navigation using a magnetic compass.

What is magnetic bearing in geography?

Magnetic bearing in geography refers to the angle between the north direction and a line, typically measured in degrees. It helps determine the direction of one point from another using a compass. Magnetic bearings can be converted to true bearings by considering the magnetic declination.

In what year was the magnetic compass invented?

the magnetic compass was invented between 221-206 B.C . i hope my answer was useful and enjoy learning about the compass

Where is the magnetic compass most beneficial?

About Midway between the earth's magnetic poles.

What compass bearing is wnw?

West-northwest (WNW) corresponds to a compass bearing of approximately 292.5°.

List the cause and effect connections between the Chinese invation of the Magnetic compass and Zheng He's voyage?

The cause is the Chinese invention of the magnetic compass. The effect is the voyage of Zheng He. The invention of the magnetic compass allowed Zheng He to make his voyage.

What is the angle between the geographic North Pole and the direction in which a compass needle points is called magnetic?

The angle between the geographic North Pole and the direction in which a compass needle points is called magnetic declination. This angle varies depending on the location on Earth and can be used to adjust navigation using a compass.

How does an inducted magnetic field influence the direction of a compass needle?

An induced magnetic field can influence the direction of a compass needle by causing it to align along the magnetic field lines produced by the induced field. This alignment happens due to the interaction between the existing magnetic field of the compass needle and the induced magnetic field. The compass needle will point in the direction of the resultant magnetic field created by the combination of the Earth's magnetic field and the induced field.

Does the magnetic compass always point in a northern direction when placed on the earth?

No, a magnetic compass points towards the magnetic north pole, which is not always geographically north. The angle between true north and magnetic north is called magnetic declination, and it varies depending on a location on the Earth's surface.

What is a compass north south east and west?

It is called a mariners compass, it is a instrument that shows the North, east, West and South, and is used by pilots and the sailors.

How do you find magnetic direction?

The angle between the direction your compass points and the direction you're facing is the 'magnetic azimuth'. The angle between the direction to the north pole and the direction you're facing is the 'true azimuth'. They are virtually never the same angle. The difference between them is the 'magnetic declination' or the 'compass declination' in the place where you are at in which.

Why does a needle on a compass move?

A needle on a compass is a magnet, and it aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field. This allows the needle to point towards the magnetic North Pole. The movement of the needle is a result of the interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and the magnetic properties of the needle.