it depends on what kind of teacher they it varies.
My searches found that in the 1880 the average female teacher earned about $26/month and a male teacher would earn an average or $32 / month. And the school year was only about 18 weeks. Compare that to today where the average beginning salary for a teacher is $2000/month and the school year averages 30 weeks.
It will help your teacher understand your handwriting better so the teacher dost not mistake what you wrote to something else also, it will help you to understand your notes better too.
avg of 30 is 16=30*16=480 avg of 30 and 1 teacher is 17=31*17=527 Save then age of teacher is 527-480=47...
I think your teacher made a mistake on your paper, this is impossible without considering negatives and absolute values.
You become immortal. if it is your first time to get an A then your teacher made a mistake if it isn't then your mom made a mistake.
the teacher yelled at them of there hard time they had over the years.
if she found out then own up to your mistake
The cast of Khtaah - The Mistake - 2009 includes: Indus Nawani as Terrorist Boss and teacher
The cast of The Unforgettable Mistake - 2014 includes: Jesse Gare as Teacher Jonathon LeRose as Jonah
The essay was full of mistakes. "Make sure to correct your mistakes!" the teacher instructed.
don't ask me . . . . . . . . .maybe . . . . . . . ask your teacher ! ! !
The average salary of a 3rd grade teacher is $53,000 per year. The average salary of a math teacher is $38,211 per year.
well im a teacher and i get $36.89 half a day.
Her unintentioned comment caused an awkward silence in the room.