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Multiplicand times multiplier equals product

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Q: The number being mutipled to get the product?
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Related questions

Can a prime number be mutipled?

Sure. Of course, it will no longer be prime...

What is the number or expression in a power that is mutipled by itself?

Let a be any term. Then, the number that is multiplied itself is expressed as: an where a is any real value, and n is any real integer.

What is 28800 mutipled by 24?

28800 x 24 = 691200

What is pi mutipled by pi?

TT2 or TT x TT equals 9.8696044.

Is the product for multiplication or addition?

A number being multiplied is the "multiplicand"; the number doing the multiplying is the "multiplier", and the answer is called the, "product".

What do you call the two numbers that are being multiplied to find a product in mth?

multiplier the number that multiplies multiplicand the number to be multiplied product the answer in multiplication

How do you call the number being multiplied?

It is called a factor. the answer you get is called the product. The original terms taught were: Muliplicand X Multiplier = Product.

What are common objectives?

There are a number of promotional objectives, some of the most common being information dissemination, product demand, product differentiation, product highlights, and sales stabilization.

What number is that which being multiplied by 7 gives a product as much greater as the number itself is less than 20?


What is the product being sold?

The product being sold is the product being manufactured or grown for a market willing to purchase the product.

What are common promotional objectives?

There are a number of promotional objectives, some of the most common being information dissemination, product demand, product differentiation, product highlights, and sales stabilization.

What is the number being multiplied in a multiplication problem called?

factor times factor equals product