That depends on what base your number is written in now. -- If it's base-7 now, then it's equal to the decimal number 120,100 . -- If it's base-3 now, then it's equal to the decimal number 820 . -- If it's a binary number (base-2), then it's equal to the decimal number 85 .
In base 4, which contains the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 3 + 3 would equal 12. This number would be read one-two, not twelve - as our regular number pronunciations are dependent on us working in base 10 (otherwise known as decimal).
777, which is equal to 8^3 - 1 = 511 in base 10.
If you add them, 101/30
Yes - expressed as a mixed fraction, this is equal to -3 101/1250.
That depends on what base your number is written in now. -- If it's base-7 now, then it's equal to the decimal number 120,100 . -- If it's base-3 now, then it's equal to the decimal number 820 . -- If it's a binary number (base-2), then it's equal to the decimal number 85 .
oneThe smallest 3 digit odd number is 101.
In base 4, which contains the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 3 + 3 would equal 12. This number would be read one-two, not twelve - as our regular number pronunciations are dependent on us working in base 10 (otherwise known as decimal).
101 is the smallest 3 digit prime number.
The smallest 3-digit palindrome number is 101.
30. The 3 is representing 3 * 101 which is equal to 30.
777, which is equal to 8^3 - 1 = 511 in base 10.
To subtract in base 2, we need to borrow from the next higher place value if necessary. In this case, when subtracting 11 from 101 in base 2, we need to borrow from the leftmost digit. So, 101 in base 2 is 5 in decimal, and 11 in base 2 is 3 in decimal. When subtracting 3 from 5 in decimal, we get 2 in decimal, which is 10 in base 2. Therefore, 101 base 2 minus 11 base 2 is 10 base 2.
If you add them, 101/30