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We can draw 3 normals to a parabola from a given point as the equation of normal in parametric form is a cubic equation.

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Q: The number of normals to the parabola from a point which lies outside?
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Parabola is the point at which the parabola is at its lowest or highest point?

A parabola is NOT a point, it is the whole curve.

What is the name of the point you use to define a parabola?

All of the points on a parabola define a parabola. However, the vertex is the point in which the y value is only used for one point on the parabola.

What is the lowest or highest point in a parabola?

A vertex is the highest or lowest point in a parabola.

What is the extreme point of a parabola?

The extreme point it the highest or lowest point of the parabola (depending if it is concave downwards or upwards). It is the point of the parabola tat is closest to the focus. the extreme point lies on the axis of symmetry.

What is the point directly above the focus?

The point directly above the focus is the vertex of the parabola. The focus is a specific point on the axis of symmetry of the parabola, and the vertex is the point on the parabola that is closest to the focus.

What is the extreme point on a parabola?

The highest or lowest point of the parabola, it is the point that is closest to the focus. The extreme point lies on the axis of symmetry

How many foci does a parabola have?

A parabola has a single focus point. There is a line running perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the parabola called the directrix. A line running from the focus to a point on the parabola is going to have the same distance as from the point on the parabola to the closest point of the directrix. In theory you could look at a parabola as being an ellipse with one focus at infinity, but that really doesn't help any. ■

The distance from the green point on the parabola to the parabola's focus is 9 What is the distance from the green point to the directrix?


The distance from the green point on the parabola to the parabola's focus is 10 What is the distance from the green point to the directrix?


The distance from the green point on the parabola to the parabola's focus is 6 What is the distance from the green point to the directrix?

answer is 6

The is the extreme point of a parabola and is located halfway between the focus and directrix?

The vertex -- the closest point on the parabola to the directrix.

The distance from the green point on the parabola to the parabola's focus is 9. whats is the distance from the green point to the directrix?

It is 9.