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Q: The number three in a term such as 3x is called the BLANK of x?
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The number in a term?

The number part in a term is often called the "coefficient".The number part in a term is often called the "coefficient".The number part in a term is often called the "coefficient".The number part in a term is often called the "coefficient".

What is each number in a sequence called?

It is called a term.Each number in a sequence is called a term.

What is each number in the list called?


What is another name for iambic pentameter?

Iambic pentameter couplets are often called Heroic couplets. Unrimed Iambic Pentameter is called Blank Verse. But I do not know of a generic alternate term for Iambic Pentameter.

What is the number in a number pattern called?

Each number is called a term!!:) <3

What is each number in a number pattern called?

Each number in a number pattern is called a Term.

What number is three decimals?

Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.Three decimals is not a number. The term is sometimes used to refer to numbers that are accurate to three decimal places - that is, to the nearest thousandths.

What is a term that is a number only?

It is called a constant term. It is number only and contains no variables

What is the Tagalog term for Fill in the Blank?

The Tagalog term for "Fill in the Blank" is "Punan ang Puwang."

What is the term for a three-line stanza?

A three-line stanza is called a tercet.

What is called The number of factors of a number?

the divisor function

What is it called when a number or a number times a variable?

It is a simple term.