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A sphere?

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Q: The top side and front views of a solid figure are similar circles what shape is the solid?
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Related questions

What shape is always similar?

Squares and circles are always similar.

What is a eight figure?

A 'figure eight' is any shape that loosely, or closely, resembles the shape of 8 - in other words, two conjoined circles, or ovals.

What figure with similar size an shape called?

a vertex

What does similar figure mean?

A figure that is the same shape as another but could be a different size.

Is a figure similar if the sides and angles are congruent?

Yes .But it depends what shape

What is a simmilar figures?

A similar figure is proportionally the same shape as another figure and all the angles are the same.

What is the mathematical term for a donut?

2 consecutive circles ============= As a solid geometric figure, a doughnut shape is called a torus.

What is figures that can have the same shape but not necessarly the same region figure?

They are similar figures.

What is figures that can have the same shape but not necessarily the same region figure?

They are similar shapes.

Why are circles always congruent?

No. They can me different sizes. For a shape to be congruent, they need to me same size and same shape.

What are similar figures?

A similar figure is one with the same shape, the same angles, and the same relative dimensions as another. A similar figure may only be different, if at all, by scale size.

How do you compare and contrast congruent and similar?

Similar means they are of the same shape but not necessary the same size. two figure are congruents when they are of the same shape and size. congruent figures can be similar but not similar figures aren't always congruent