In a proper fraction the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Since every two-digit number is larger than every one-digit number, there must be a one-digit numerator and two-digit denominator comprising 3 digits total. The greatest fraction will be the one with the largest possible numerator and smallest possible denominator. Choose a numerator of 9 (the largest one-digit number) and a denominator of 10 (the smallest 2-digit number). All 3 digits are different. The answer is 9/10.
1/(L+1) where L is equal to the number of digits of the cyclic number
the largest five digit number that can be formed using the digits 7 and 9 is 97,000
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.
In a proper fraction the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Since every two-digit number is larger than every one-digit number, there must be a one-digit numerator and two-digit denominator comprising 3 digits total. The greatest fraction will be the one with the largest possible numerator and smallest possible denominator. Choose a numerator of 9 (the largest one-digit number) and a denominator of 10 (the smallest 2-digit number). All 3 digits are different. The answer is 9/10.
7? (13579)
1/(L+1) where L is equal to the number of digits of the cyclic number
the largest five digit number that can be formed using the digits 7 and 9 is 97,000
Irrationals differ from Rationals by definition. If a real number is not a Rational Number then it is Irrational. One way to find out if a number is either Rational or Irrational is to look at its decimal value. If the digits past the decimal point terminate then it is a Rational number. If the digits past the decimal point repeat the same digit forever, of if it repeats a sequence of digits over and over, then it is a Rational Number. If the digits past the decimal point do not repeat in any pattern, and do not stop, then it is an Irrational number. Another way to find out if a number is Rational or Irrational is if it can be exactly described by a fraction (ratio). If it is the same as some fraction, then it is a Rational Number. Irrationals cannot be exactly described as a fraction.
Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.
the answer for that is 18 1+8=9 18/2=9
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.
There should be exactly one digit.
A single digit in a number can have a place value. A whole number with several digits cannot.
The greatest 4-digit number with no repeated digits is... 9876