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Q: There are more people smoking now than 5 years ago?
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Is smoking unhealthy?

Smoking is unhealthy because it can affect you and the people around you. Smoking is More poisonous than Rattlesnake venom.

Smoking kills more people than the combination of 6 things?

Yes. Smoking kills more people than car crashes, suicides, alcohol, murders, illegal drugs and AIDS combined.

What percent of people are able to smoking for more than one year?

Less than 7%

Do more people die of smoking than car accidents in the US?


Did people smoke in the Bible?

Tobacco was found in the Americas more than a thousand years after the Bible was written, and only then brought back to Europe. The people of biblical times had no concept of smoking tobacco.

Bad statistics about smoking?

More than 5,000,000 people die each year from smoking to tobacco. A total of 0 people have been reported to have died from smoking marijuana since humans discovered it.

Should smoking be a socially accepted behaviour?

No. Would you like people to be injecting Heroin and Smoking crack on the streets? Smoking is a DRUG ADDICTION, and far more difficult and than Heroin and certainly more damaging. SAY NO TO CIGARETTES.

How many cigarettes should be smoked by a women a day?

None, people should try to stop smoking. Smoking will kill you about five years earlier than if you did not smoke at all.

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.

Men vs Women smoking?

More men smoke than women and more women die of cancer from smoking. Society still frowns on women smoking more than men.

I am doing a project about smoking. Do you know how many people on average smoke in Houston?

More than will admit to it!

If you are 18 years old 280 lbs how long do you stay high after smoking pot?

u have more than pot to worry about....